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At the end of each session, I do a video summary of the key areas we've worked with.
Access the video made at your session by clicking on the right date and title, and entering the right password.
Feel the Rhythm 2021/01
Viihdekuoroliiton yhtyelaulukoulutus, Tampere - will be rescheduled
Ecoro, Grankulla, 2020/09
Someron Naislaulajat & Kööri, Koski Tl, 2020/09
Gospel Helsingin Ensemble 2020/05
Sawo Ensemble 2020/02
Leticia-kuoro 2020/02, valmennus
Leticia ry:n kuorokurssi 8-9.2.2020
Akan i Borgå 2020/01, "Move and groove" workshop for singers
Let Us Be Frank 2019, coaching
Lärkkulla 2019, dirigentworkshop
Borgå, Norbusang 2019, dirigentworkshop
Vasa, Feel the Rhythm 2019/04:
Mariehamn, Flera Röster 2019/03
Mariehamn 2018/09
Oulu 2018/10
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